Saturday, July 23, 2016

Vans Holder in Black Nubuck & White

My very first pair of Vans was a model called the Vans Wally which I bought in 1998. It was an awesome, black suede low-top casual sneaker that I happened to find at Kohl's. I was very lucky to find a pair in my size as the one I bought was one of the few remaining in any size. And they only cost $25! There are two unfortunate things about this shoe: first, this was back in the late-1990's and I didn't have a camera at the time so I don't have any pics of them; second, after very little usage I ended up donating them to the Salvation Army or something. To this day I regret doing so. They were such a simple yet cool shoe and for the life of me I cannot understand why Vans would not reissue such a great pair of kicks.

Anyway, many years later in 2009 I found another pair of great Vans at Kohl's. This one was called Vans Holder and it was black nubuck with some white highlights. Again, a pretty simple design. Probably not meant for the real skater but more for casual skating and use. I probably don't even have to tell you what ended up happening with these. But yes, I ended up getting rid of them after very little use for reasons which I cannot remember. Another decision I completely regret. I never really got into these shoes until I saw another dude wearing them. His were really beat up and worn and they looked great. Of course, by that time I had already long sold mine and you couldn't find them anywhere anymore. I just looked online and on ebay to see if I could locate any. Not a chance. Not these black nubuck ones. But fortunately I have a few pics of them and here they are:

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