Sunday, June 5, 2016

Blog Intro

As the title of this blog implies, I am a huge fan of sneakers. You might even call me a sneakerhead or sneakerfreak. But maybe I'm not either of those really. My understanding of those terms is that they refer to people who collect brand new sneakers or have multiple pairs of the sneakers they favor or perhaps even those they don't like but feel the need to own to complete their collections. I on the other hand, don't necessarily care for new sneakers. All the sneakers I have are meant for wearing unless I am purposefully holding on to them to resell sometime in the future. What I call 'investment' sneakers. At the moment I have probably only one pair of sneakers that is still new in the box and it's only because I haven't found the right opportunity to wear them yet.

I have nothing against new sneakers. I love how new sneakers smell. Well, not all of them. But there have been pairs of sneakers whose brand-new-smell was so dreamy. For example. my first pair of Reebok 4600 high-top basketball sneakers had such an awesome brand new smell that has never been duplicated by any other sneaker. Until I got another brand new pair many, many years later.

But as I said, I have nothing against brand new sneakers. However I prefer the look of a nicely broken-in or even well-worn pair over the brand new look. To me, nothing beats the look of a pair of sneakers that has been walked in, run in, played in and worked in under any and all kinds of weather situations. It's like an old pair of jeans. The fit and fade are pretty perfect and comfortable with a look and feel that is second to none.

I got into sneakers around or just before 6th grade. I really started taking notice of them around that time, beginning with those nylon running sneakers of the 1980's. Brands weren't really important to me at that time. After that I started seeing a bunch of those white canvas sneakers that almost all girls wore around that time. Around then is when I took notice of Reebok 4600's. They happened to be everywhere and they turned out to be the first brand/model specific sneaker that I came to love. Luckily they were never a terribly expensive shoe and I was able to get my first pair for the new school year in 1988. I wore that pair for two school years and sadly by then they seemed to be out of style and I was the only one still wearing them in high school.

After that pair of Reeboks I became a lot more aware of brands and model names of sneakers that I saw other guys wearing. Some of the noteworthy pairs of sneakers I had after the Reeboks included Adidas Phantom low, Nike Air Trajectory and Vans Wally. Once I started full-time regular jobs I completely indulged in sneaker buying. At one point I had over 200 pairs of sneakers, including multiple pairs of certain types. I had more shoes than I could wear and I was pretty fickle when it came to certain shoes and styles.

In this blog I will feature photos of sneakers that I have had and others that I still may have or are personal favorites. All of my sneakers will fall into one or more of the following categories: casual, basketball, running, skate. A lot of these shoes are no longer made and this blog will serve as a sort of archive for them. This will be a nice way to preserve some of these models and perhaps inspire others to share their memories.


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