Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Nike Air Jordan IV Retro in White & Military Blue

As I wrote before, the Air Jordan IV is one of my all-time favorite sneaker and I've had many over the years albeit mainly all retro releases. Of the original 4 colorways the only one I never happened to get a retro pair of was the white/red/black which was my 2nd favorite color scheme. I still plan to someday but since I got my beloved 'cements' it's not really high on my list of priorities.

Another of the colorways I bought during the retro years was the white & military blue. I had about 3 or 4 pairs of these but I was never all that into them. I wore one for a while and eventually sold it. Yeah, they're nice but let's face it--AJ aficionados have never been all that big on this pair. It might be because Michael Jordan himself never wore this color during his Chicago Bulls days. I'm not completely sure on that so don't quote me. But for me that wasn't an issue as I did not watch basketball in those days. For me it was a matter of these being more seldom seen than the other colors. In fact, during high I can really only remember one guy who wore these. So since I didn't see them much I didn't long for them much. You know what they say: out of sight, out of mind. Plus I never cared for the grey areas on these and those missing black areas that were present on the cement's and the red's were essential. At the time though I was pretty content with having a white pair of AJ 4's that I could rock until something better came along.

These photos are of a pair that I never wore.

This is a pair I will not be picking up if they ever retro it again. They are cool but I'm just a lot more selective about what I have and wear now. Instead of having one pair of every kind of cool sneaker I'd rather have 2 or 3 pairs of the ones I really like. But I will say these AJ 4's looked a lot better after some wearing, as the next photo will testify:

NEXT POST: More Air Jordan IV!!

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